Religious Equality
Hi, I’m your JCR Religious Equality Officer Estella!
My role here is to help support students of all faiths at our college to ensure students feel safe and supported in our community. This includes advocating on behalf of students to the college to improve and implement students' religious needs and promoting intersectionality and understanding in our college.
If you ever have any suggestions or concerns please do not hesitate to use the JCR Suggestions form or you can contact me directly through the jcr.bme@caths.cam.ac.uk Equally if you would like help to celebrate or notice a religious festival also please do get in touch directly :)
It’s important to know that you can report any form of religious discrimination you may face at university. There are several ways you can do this:
JCR Religious discrimination reporting form: https://forms.gle/Quvru6w6CYK6MMpL9 - (no action will be taken unless you wish for us to do so)
University wide reporting system: https://www.studentcomplaints.admin.cam.ac.uk/anonymous-reporting-students-and-staff
Contact your tutor or a member of the well being team
Located in the main court and is available to any and all students as a space for reflection and prayer regardless of faith. Looked after by our interim Chaplain Jonathan Collins.
Multi-faith Prayer Room
Located in Dawson Court on the main site and can be used by any student for prayer and reflection. Contains several features to support different faith needs such as prayer mats, prayer times, holy books, facilities to make tea and more.
Location on the college site map:
St Catharines College has some of our very own student run religious societies such as the Catz Islamic society and a joint Christian union with Kings College students can join once at College.
There are also several uni-wide religious societies students may wish to join linked below:
Places of Worship in Cambridge:
There are various places of worship and religious centres located around Cambridge outside of the College, below are just some of those available linked for you to explore:
Here are some extra links that may be of interest: